


At my core I´m a Singer Songwriter who loves sounds and soundscapes.

For those with time... a way too long bio at wiki - click here

This is what Dave Frickle (Rolling Stone) hat to say few years ago "Icelandic singer-songwriter Mugison already has a reputation abroad for bleak magic, on record and in solo appearances with acoustic guitar and laptop”.. what a nice thing to say. I started out as a computer troubadour in 2002, then I got bored, made a rock´n roll album with my friends, now Im mixing everything, a juggling monkey



Soundtracks: Niceland, Mýrin & A Little Trip to Heaven


Theater work: Gullregn, Óskasteinar & Risaeðlurnar


Sailed with few friends around Iceland summer 2013 in support for our National rescue team; Landsbjörg

Uploaded by Janus Jakobsson on 2015-02-09.


In 2014 me, Ómar Guðjóns and Jónas Sig made an album as Drangar

http://KEXP.ORG presents Drangar performing live at Sundlaugin Studio during Iceland Airwaves '13. Recorded November 3, 2013. Songlist: Enn Logar Glóð Enginn Tími/Ekkert Svar Hér Í Kvöld Örmagna Ljós Heimsins Hvaða Guð?


Here are some of the artist I´ve supported at some point... 


Me and few friend have done a community-driven festival called Aldrei Fór Ég Suður since 2004. This youtube clip is all in Icelandic but you can see the wonderful town Ísafjordur and the festival. Here is a link to the festival web

Stutt heimildarmynd um rokkhátíðina Aldrei fór ég suður sem fram fer á Ísafirði árlega um páska. Myndin fjallar á skemmtilegan hátt um tilurð og tilvist þessarar sérstöku hátíðar á Vestfjörðum.Tjarnargatan sá um gerð myndarinnar. A short documentary about the "Aldrei for eg sudur" music festival that is held in Isafjordur every year at Easter.


In the Summer and Fall 2017 I did 56 gig´s around Iceland. Me and the Family bought a Sprinter-van, converted it and went around the country, playing nearly everywhere. 

Smíða Sprinterinn og svipmyndir af ferðalaginu, Er í Bjarnafirði, Hvammstanga, Drangey Festival og Siglufirði næstu helgi, hægt að taka frá miða á / Hi, time-lapse of my Van...